Cynthia Galván

Rene was the coolest human being I ever met. His sense of humanity was great, and he treated everyone fairly. He was a kind and gentle person who loved life and everyone around him..."

Álvaro Curiel

Nothing more intimidating than watching a contender, sheathed in a pair of thick glasses passively waiting for his interview, as he reads a physics book full of formulas...”

Paulina del Paso

Rene had a wicked, extraordinary sense of humor, he made me laugh so much, just remembering makes me smile from ear to ear..”

Steven Ausbury

I was really struck by his humility. What I didn’t know then was that he had so much to give - knowledge, passion, creativity, warmth, understanding - and he gave it without any judgement...."

Greg Gilpatrick

My three year old son, Jacob René Gilpatrick, does not yet know about where his middle name came from but when he’s older, I’ll tell him that he’s named after an incredible man..."

Iván Edeza

Visits to his apartment in Mexico City were listening and conversation sessions. René offered a very good whiskey while we talked about music, films, literature, and comics... We exchanged vinyls, books or digital files, we borrowed and copied films…”

Paula Markovitch

I miss the way you look with irony and lucidity. I miss you to chat and laugh and the universe longs for your fascinating works...”

Miguel Medrano

…he snatched the iPod from his hand and began to look at its contents. After reviewing it for a few moments, he returned it to me and said "well... I could take me to a lawyer who listens to Ministry..." (...) And so, between jokes, Rene would become one of my best friends.“

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