Revillagigedo Apartment, CdMx

Rene Peñaloza Galvan’s Collection it consists of more than 1500 books, 350 films and 2500 acetates gathered by Rene over the years. A cultural oasis, where all of Rene’s friends had the pleasure and privilege of sharing and enjoying with him, a place of conviviality and inspiration that undoubtedly left its mark.
A reflection of his tastes and interests, the collection began to consolidate in his apartment at Revillagigedo Street in Mexico City, and continued to grow at his apartment in Brooklyn, 222 Metropolitan Av, New York.

Brooklyn Apartment, 222 Metropolitan Av, NYC.

After Rene’s death in 2010, his parents, Guadalupe and Edilberto preserved the collection with the idea of finding the ideal place to donate this valuable collection. Today, in 2021, we are happy to announce that the collection has achieved its goal: the Cinema Training Center has become the new home of Rene Peñaloza Galvan’s Collection.

Rene Peñaloza Galvan’s Collection It has been possible thanks to the support of:

Guadalupe and Edilberto Peñaloza.

Paulina del Paso, Alfredo Loaeza, Claudia Prado, Rodrigo Mota, Dolores Franco, Lic. Brenda Rosales Contreras, Lic. Rebeca Bobadilla Fernandez, Benjamín Alvarado Galindo, Victoria Ruiz, Ivan Edeza, Sofia Carillo, Julian Monroy, Maribel Escobar, Fernando Osorio, Henner Hofmann, Maria Giner and Gabriela Galvan.

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