Distrito Artificial: time of Tecnogeist

March 14, 2003 for the Reforma newspaper by René Peñaloza With the enthusiasm -almost stubbornness- to carry out any cultural project in Mexico, the Tecnogeist reaches its fourth edition. Beyond…

Distrito Artificial: listening without prejudices

January 24, 2003 for the Reforma newspaper by René Peñaloza “To see is to forget the name of what we see”, used to say Paul Valery. Following the logic of…


Capsule Endoscopy

“Time contracted and expandedLike a rollicking accordion”Letter:Finally made it to New York albeit without you. But it wasn´t out of spite.Everything will be without you from now on, won´t it?I can…

in your wake

somehow you always find a way to remind meof all the times I’ve forgotten you a thousand dogs have looked at me with your eyesbrimming with irony’s longing spilling onto…


“If you had a window seat available, and as near as possible to the front”, the girl was at the next counter, and this near she was still more gorgeous.…

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